Friday, May 09, 2008

75 Skills Every Man Should Master

Bruce Feldman writes a great college football blog for which is, of course, Insider only, so there's no point in linking to it. Every Friday, even today in the off-season, he goes through the ol' mailbag, and then at the end will throw in random things. One today caught my eye: Esquire's list of 75 Skills Every Man Should Master. Like I wasn't going to take a look at that?

Feldman had a few he added that I liked...

Be able to start a conversation with the person next to you on a plane even if you don't find them attractive.

Get your point across on e-mail without starting a fight.

Get up-and-down out of a bunker.

Be able to hit to the opposite field in a softball game.

Know how to set your buddy up with someone in the bar while not getting yourself caught up in the mix.

Learn when it's acceptable to remark, 'Yeah, she is good-looking' while in the company of your girlfriend/wife.

Know when to not take things too seriously.

I think those are all good. From the actual List...

5 I Really Liked
3. Take a GOOD photo.
Maybe this is an obvious one for some people, but I took a photography class last fall, and learned some amazing things. While I'm not expecting every man to be a professional photographer, there are some really basic things every guy should know about taking a picture.
10. Buy/Own a good suit.
I have one, but it's old so I could use an upgrade.
14. Chop down a tree.
Or chop wood. In the winter. At the BS. Naked. BEEEEEGGGG SAAAAAAMMMMMMMMM!!!!
23. Be loyal.
Enough said.
65-67. Throw a baseball over-hand with some snap. Throw a football with a tight spiral. Shoot a 12-foot jump shot reliably.
The first two I can do. The 12 foot jumper? Not so much. Of course, The Dan believes in the "12 foot Jumper Gene", meaning you're either born with the ability to hit the 12 footer, or you're not. I am not. But I will keep trying.

5 I Really Didn't Like
16. Tie a bow tie

The only time I've worn a bow tie is for weddings, and they were the clip-type. I don't need a bow tie for any other occasion. Tying a tie? Mandatory.
20. Sew a button
That's what my wife is for! Oh wait, I don't have a wife.
29. Understand quantum physics well enough that he can accept that a quarter might, at some point, pass straight through the table when dropped.
I don't even understand the question.
31. Make a bed.
I can make a bed, but if we're talking "Martha Stewart-style with no wrinkles, everything creased and perfect", that's ridiculous. I can make it look presentable, but anything beyond that is unnecessary for a man.
64. Know that Christopher Columbus was a son of a bitch.
I'm not saying he was or he wasn't, all I'm saying is I can come up with 75 more important skills/things every man should master than this.

5 I Want to be Better at...
8. Not Monopolize the conversation.

My problem is actually the complete opposite of this. At times I am horribly awkward with conversations, and need to do a better job of carrying them.
18. Speak a foreign language.
Since Josh and I went to Europe, it's always something I've wanted to do
36. Make three different bets at a craps table.
If I can ever get any of you fine upstanding gentlemen that I am proud to call my friends to Vegas or into a casino, I'd really like to play craps.
37. Shuffle a deck of cards.
Holy shinto do I suck at this! And I have big hands. No excuse. This needs to improve.
75. Negotiate a better price.
I'm getting better at bartering/negotiating/haggling. Better, but still a ways to go.

5 I Would Add...
Don't make excuses.

Try to understand the other side of an argument (you don't have to agree with it, just make the attempt to understand it).

Be able to play a musical instrument.

Be able to tell one good story.

Be decisive.

Feel free to add your own. Have a good weekend.

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