Monday, July 19, 2004

Jeff: My cheap shot of the week...

After Carlos Boozer stabbed the Cleveland Cavaliers in the back by signing with Utah, he left the team with a gaping hole at the 4 spot. Apparently the Cavaliers are now interested in signing troubled free-agent forward Vin Baker, who of course had his last contract with the Knicks terminated because he reverted back to his alcoholic ways.
Looks like the Cavs are replacing one Boozer with another. (Thank you, I'll be here all week.)
On another subject, I'm reaffirming my ties with the Seattle Sonics. I loved the Sonics growing up, but since moving stateside, well I couldn't help but fall in love with Kevin Garnett, and the Sonics have just gotten worse and worse, making them tougher and tougher to follow because they are never on TV. They've never been in worse shape than they are heading into this season (Seattle and the Warriors are the only teams in the West with absolutely no shot of making the playoffs-if they were in the East, of course, they'd be the 4 and 5 seeds), but I just feel like I need to reaffirm my feelings for the Sonics. Also, this will have no affect on me cheering for Garnett and the Wolves as a conflict of interest, because of course the Wolves will be in the playoffs and the SOnics won't. I will now assume the position as TheJer tees off on me about my lack of loyalties to home-town teams and how he doesn't get a choice in who he cheers for etc. 
For the record, in Canada we are cheering vagabonds. We have ONE team we really have to cheer for (our NHL team), and other than that, it's wide open. I have, and always will, refuse to cheer for anything out of Toronto just because they're "the Canadian team". The media bias in Canada coming out of Ontario is so much worse than the East Coast bias in the States I'm not even sure it's scalable. For this reason I hate Toronto and all their teams (I of course exclude this hatred when it comes to hockey players on Team Canada from Ontario for things like the upcoming World Cup of Hockey--which by the way, Canada is going to dominate). 
It started for me with the U of Michigan when I was very young thanks to my cousin Kristy who went to school near there. I got the Vikings because of Anthony Carter (and in part because he was from Michigan). As bad as the Mariners are and will be, I have loved them since Griff was a rook (I would take him back in a heartbeat by the way) and always will (and since the M's wont win the World Series this year I would love to see the Cubbies win it). What other sports am I forgetting here? Oh right, the WNBA...wait that's not a sport. Oh, yes I did hop the Gonzaga bandwagon and I don't feel one bit bad about it. Not one. So there.

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