Thursday, February 17, 2005

Jeff: Whoopsy Daisy!!

Well Jer and Chris (hello Mr. Brenna. I miss you. Deeply), you ask for my thoughts on Mr. Reggie Fowler. At least I think that's his name. And we think he's black. And from Arizona. But from the things that came out about him today in the Minneapolis Star Tribune (, he could be an elderly Asian woman from Timbuktu. Today it was learned that the info sheet that was handed out at Fowler's press conference on Monday was full of "inaccuracies", which is kind of like saying I drive a Ferrari is an inaccuracy. It's flat out wrong. Even a lie. THe sheet, which Fowler now says he never took the time to look at, was full of an alarming number of "facts" that were actually fiction. To me, having just ONE thing on a resume being a lie would be alarming, but several? Many? You tell me how that looks for somebody spearheading a $625 million bid to buy the Upper Midwest's most popular sporting franchise? I don't even know where to begin. Well how about here-- if you've put in the time and effort to make an offer to buy an NFL franchise, wouldn't you take the extra two minutes to read over your biography to make sure it was right? And wouldn't you take the time long before your press conference to do this to make sure it was accurate? Wouldn't you? Maybe it's just me.

Fowler called the bio that was handed out Monday a "rough draft". Um... I've typed up a personal resume once or twice, and even in my "rough draft", there was nothing even close to something that would be considered a lie. And I was just applying for a job waiting tables, or talking on the radio to cattle (I'm hoping I at least have cattle out here as listeners). Imagine filling out a resume or biography if you were applying for easily one of the most high profile jobs in the midwest. You'd want to get everything right, wouldn't you? Again, maybe it's just me.

All of this has to raise redflags galore for the folks in the NFL that decide whether this sale will be approved. There have been questions since Fowler's name appeared out of thin air as a possible owner about whether he really has the funds for this. And these resume flubs aren't going to help. Nobody's sure of his personal worth. He was rated as the 37th richest African American in the United States--of course Reggie, not once but twice, has said he's 11th. He also said he played in the NFL, which didn't happen. Or that he got a degree from Wyoming in Business (it was actually in SOcial work, which, last time I checked, is a lot different from a business degree).

Bottom line is we have no idea who REggie Fowler is or what he's about. Even the little he tells us isn't worth much after today. I had nothing against Fowler before this incident and nothing now, but I'll stand by what myself and many others have said all along-- the best thing for the Vikings AND their fans would be for Glen Taylor to buy this team. That door may have been opened again.

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