Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Jeff: The Godfather is back!

He's done it again. Just when I think "THe Don" David Stern has lost all his Godfather-like powers, he starts slapping people around and telling them to act like a man! First he avoids what could have been a very ugly strike/lockout with the players union. Sure he didn't get everything he wanted...or did he? I think he got more of what he wanted than the players did, and as usual that means The Don wins. Now he comes out with the dress code. Are you kidding me? Not just because athletes are more spoiled than ever, but also because of the imminent race card being thrown in? In spite of it all, Stern goes ahead with it, that knowing smile on his face that this will work. At a press conference today The Don laid out the new NBA dress code. Phrases like "business casual" and "sport coats" were used in the same sentences as "NBA players". Impossible? Laugh all you want, and granted the thought of Allen Iverson, or even Jason Williams (the one who didn't shoot his limo driver), in a suit is hilarious, but make no mistake-- this WILL happen. Stern didn't go into specifics about exactly how he will enforce this dress code, saying only this:

"If they are really going to have a problem, they will have to make a decision about how they want to spend their adult life in terms of playing in the NBA or not," Stern said.

A veiled threat? Hardly. Do you really think a man that has worked so hard to make this league so successful, and who cares so much about the image of both himself and the league, would dare try this if he didn't know it would work? You really think he would stick his neck out this far if there were ANY risk of it getting cut off? No sir. AS amazed as I am that somebody would try this in the lawsuit-happy world we now live in, BECAUSE it's the Don, I have no reason to believe he can't pull it off. Nobody else, repeat NOBODY ELSE, would even dream of this, let alone try it. The man should be on everyone's ballot for the 2008 presidential election. I don't know, or care how, but he would clean up Iraq, balance the budget, and feed Latrell Sprewell's family if he were elected. Of this I have no doubts.

1 comment:

Jeff & Jeremy said...

Luke, if guys start spending their own money on suits, they'll only have enough left over for bling, and not bling-bling. Gotta have that extra bling in there. Also it'd be less money to spend on boat cruises- oh wait that's the NFL.