Friday, October 01, 2004

Jeremy: There's A Reason That No Donkeys Or Elephants Are In Sports

Excuse me while I pick myself up off the floor. Did Jeff actually write a column? He actually graced us with his presence? I am happy to see Jeff back. We need to brand of "stop crying" that he brings to the table. Stunning!!!
It's pretty rare that Jeff and I disagree on much. He has his own radio show in Valley City, North Dakota (and yes I am furiously jealous about this) and has several times allowed me to be on the air with him. He has dubbed me "Minnesota Jer: more Minnesota than all 10,000 lakes combined." He came up with that himself, I, of course, think it's brilliant. He has given me my own personae. For that I am grateful. The unsuspecting people of east central North Dakota think that I am some sort of sports expert (wait a minute, maybe you do too). Okay, maybe they know I'm a fraud, but in any case, Jeff brilliantly plays me off as someone who isn't speaking directly out of his butt. Again, for that I am grateful. As you can see, my affinity for Jeff is very strong, and again, we rarely disagree on anything.
I was going to give Jeff a few days. I thought I'd let his column stand for through the weekend. You know, let him have his internet day in the sun once again. As I read his column I thought to myself "this is good." But then I came to this line...

"Of course, I'm one of those few crazy lone souls left who believes in discipline and respect and not catering to brats (closed circuit to The Dan -- and I'm a democrat! HA!"

Well I'm sorry, I just could not leave this one alone. This is for everyone's benefit, not just our misguided Jeffrey.
Sports is just about the only thing that we have left in life that is not perverted by politics. True, politicians are fans of sports teams, politicians are often involved in making stadium decisions, they might even be owners or athletes at some point themselves. But nothing about politics changes the way that athletes perform between the lines and, in the examples of the baseball players and coaches, the way their superiors coach them.
Please, everyone, for the love of all that is good and right with the world, do not ever bring politics into a sports discussion. Jeff and I only ever disagree about politics, Dan and I only ever disagree about sports... never the two subjects have crossed into the same discussion.
My head is about to explode!
It makes me happy that Jeff agrees to call himself a Democrat. When Jeff and I discuss politics this comes through very clearly. I'm glad that he hasn't rejected the American political system based on the fact that he's from Canada. It would have been easy to do that, and to be honest, based on the current political climate, if I was from Canada I would probably be the most apolitical person in this fair city. I will not discuss my political views on this website (I will reserve that for The Quotable Jerdogg, where I did recently speak of some of my political views). And this is the last time politics will be mentioned in this space by me.
I love you Jeffrey!

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